Single visit: Immediate sterilisation on the first visit

Do you wish to have the sterilisation procedure performed during your first visit? This is possible under certain conditions. Before the doctor starts with the procedure, he will explain the procedure and possible complications to you in detail.

Nader Naderi

The procedure will be carried out on the condition that you are 100% sure you want to go through with sterilisation as it is permanent and an operation to undo it will be quite difficult.

Nader Naderi
Drs. Nader Naderi Urologist

Conditions for male sterilisation during the first visit

  • You are 30 years or older.
  • You do not want to have (more) children.
  • You do not suffer from a heart condition.
  • You do not use any blood-thinning medications.
  • Earlier, you did not have surgery on your testicle (e.g. hydrocele, varicocele, retractile testicle, former reversal operation), or an inguinal hernia operation with complications.
  • You are aware of the fact that the procedure is permanent and undoing it will be difficult.
  • You are aware that the procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic.
  • You are aware that you will have to pay the sterilisation costs as health insurers mostly do not cover these expenses.
  • Prior to the procedure, you will carefully read the information about ‘Male Sterilisation’.
  • You will arrange for a driver to take you home after the procedure.

Read more about the procedure

Why choose Andros?

  • Since 2004, Andros has provided urological care to men.
  • Sterilisations are always carried out by professional and well-experienced doctors.
  • Our clinics have the ZKN-keurmerk (ZKN certificate) referring to the highest possible quality standards in our field of specialism.
  • High satisfaction rate: in from reviews on Zorgkaart Nederland.

Male sterilisation can be performed at our clinics in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Baarn and Rijswijk – The Hague.

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The ZKN-keurmerk (ZKN certificate) guarantees quality, professionalism, safety and hygiene with independent assessments.

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